Category: Blog

4 June 2019

Identity-consistent living

Dr Ephrem Sahlu
The apostle Paul exhorts the Colossian Christians in Colossians 3:1-3  to “…seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” to  “set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
7 May 2019

Post baptism living – heaven oriented thinking and reasoning

Dr Ephrem Sahlu
The legitimate act of water baptism that every serious disciple of Jesus Christ undergoes is a tangible expression and consolidation of their faith and subsequently acquired position in Christ.
26 April 2019

A metaphor and a hyperbole

Dr Ephrem Sahlu
In Mark 9:42 -50 the Lord uses two figures of speech, a metaphor and a hyperbole, to drive home an important point with His disciples.
14 March 2019

Godly success and prosperity

Dr Ephrem Sahlu
The first and most basic discipline of a disciple of Christ, according to Him, is abiding in His word. John 8:31